Wednesday, February 24, 2010

urban my name

Just for the fun of it, I urban dictionar-ied my name “Greg”. and I was happy with what i see!~ Very glad indeed… XD


A scottish word used mainly in glasgow
meaning to always get drunk and flirt with women

do you like him?
Yeah hes ok but hes a bit of a greg...
really, i thought he was shy?
nah he flirts with all the girls when hes drunk


Greg or Gregory is usually someone who is great at many things not so much at others but an awesome person, a little different and people just love them.

Greg is frickin' awesome!


An Extremely good looking person. Coolest Kid Around. Extremely Funny. Very Modest.

Super Sam: Omigosh whos that kid?
Cory: Thats Greg.
Super Sam: Wow hes Hot.
Cory: Hes Pretty Cool Aswell.
Random Kid (Jack): Yeh, that Greg is on Great Guy, Wish I could be like him.


Now, that’s something!~